SEL for Parents/Caregivers and the Community

Providing SEL at Home

According to research conducted by CASEL, "families are children’s first teachers and essential to promoting social and emotional learning (SEL) throughout a child’s life. When educators and families work together, they can build strong connections with each other that reinforce social and emotional skills developed in the home, in schools, and in their communities.

Through supportive relationships and home environments, families model and practice SEL with their children. As experts in their children’s development, interests, cultures, and strengths, families are also important advocates for SEL at their child’s school. Families and caregivers can also be critical partners in shaping SEL implementation in schools."



According to the Kentucky Department of Education, 

One of the biggest myths about gifted children is that they will be able to succeed well on their own, but this is not necessarily the case. Children whose abilities are significantly above those of their same-age peers frequently need specialized educational services. Just as students with disabilities and other at-risk student populations have barriers and needs, gifted students may face adversities in school until they are provided with individualized services and targeted supports.

Gifted children often experience special challenges related to their giftedness They may face risks to their social and emotional well-being that other groups may not encounter. Gifted students may experience special challenges in school as a result of:

  • An educational mismatch between the student and the rest of the class, with classroom instruction not being responsive to the unique needs of gifted students in terms of pace and level;

  • Inadequate accommodations for gifted students’ high creativity, energy, intensity and aspirations;

  • Few, if any, adaptations for asynchronous development;

  • Inadequate support to deal with social pressures to conform to popular ideas, beliefs and norms;

  • Few accommodations to address unchallenging or repetitive curricula;

  • The student’s heightened sensitivities to differences, resulting in the student trying to hide his or her talents or simplify his or her achievements;

  • Frustration in finding supportive environments, producing feelings of isolation and,

  • Age-appropriate social maturity that does not align with the student’s advanced development in talent areas.