About PTSO
The Butler Avenue School Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) is organized to support and enrich educational opportunities for students. The relationships within the school community, which includes students, families, and staff are a vital influence on the success of our children's futures. The PTSO's purpose is to foster open communication and a sense of support, pride, enthusiasm, and excellence for the educational process at Butler Avenue.
To better connect with other Butler Avenue families, stay informed, and receive regular updates we encourage you to become a PTSO member. You are encouraged to participate in PTSO meetings and events throughout the school year. By becoming a PTSO member, you do not have to volunteer, but volunteering is a great way to connect with other Butler Avenue parents and the staff.
Membership dues are $10.00 per member. Staff, parents, students, and other family members are all encouraged to join the PTSO. Membership forms are available from your child's teacher or by email request ButlerAvenuePTSO@gmail.com
2019-2020 PTSO Officers:
Co-Presidents: TBA
Vice President:
Volunteer Coordinator:
Email ButlerAvenuePTSO@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions.